If you receive a tornado warning, a tornado has been spotted in your area.
More than anything else, our experts have found that creating an emergency plan is the first step. That way, you’ll be able to weather the storm well. Of course, there are variables—like a tornado traveling 59 miles instead of the usual 3 miles—but being prepared helps keep you and your family safe.
At the same time, preparing kids for tornadoes is just as important. They may be familiar with tornado drills at school, but at home, they need to know where to go to seek shelter. Having these conversations early can make it a lot easier when storms strike.
And while there are many ways to prepare for a tornado warning, the most important thing is to devise a plan to take shelter and ensure that you are covering your head with your hands.
Finally, as part of the preparation for taking shelter, having an emergency kit ready can do a lot of good. That way, you’ll have water, food, a light, first aid, and a weather radio, so you know when the storm has passed.