What are the chances you will die in a car crash? Or get pulled over for using your phone while driving?
The answer depends on which state you’re in. Each day in the US, over 1,000 people are injured and nine people are killed because of distracted drivers.1 While cellphones are not involved in all distracted driving, they are a serious problem that increases the risk of a crash.
Lawmakers in each state are addressing this issue in different ways. For example, even though no state bans all cellphone use for all drivers, fifteen states and the District of Columbia have banned all drivers from handheld phone use. Texting and driving is banned for all drivers in DC and all but three states.2
In honor of National Safety Month, we compiled this report to increase awareness of the dangers of driving distracted and encourage drivers to take the pledge to be a safe driver.
Total crashes caused by distracted driving, particularly from cellphone use, are thought to be much higher than the numbers below show.