We prioritized standalone watches that don’t require a Bluetooth connection with a smartphone to place emergency calls—the risk of losing your phone is just too great. Battery life is also a huge deal when it comes to medical alert watches—they should last throughout the day, even if the watch is frequently used.
Customization options earned brownie points from our team, whether that means choosing from an AT&T- or Verizon-compatible SIM card or selecting who gets called (caregivers, professional monitors, or 911) when the SOS button is pressed. We also considered cost, warranties, trial periods, and company reputation.
We conducted hands-on testing for the Apple Watch, Angel Watch, Bay Alarm Medical SOS Smartwatch, AngelSense Watch, LifeStation Sidekick Smart, and the Tranquil Watch. Our editorial team rated ease of setup and use, real-world battery life, audio quality, aesthetics, durability, weight, GPS accuracy, and companion app functionality (when applicable).
Finally, we evaluated the best medical alert watches with the same criteria used to pick the best GPS medical alerts and the best fall detection devices. Visit those pages to learn more about our process.