Last year, Reolink unveiled the market-first dual-lens Duo 3 PoE security camera. By stitching two 16MP lenses together, the Duo 3 PoE was capable of producing exceptionally detailed and seamless 180-degree images. In my review, I said it was the best quality video I’d ever seen in a security camera. The only major downside was the fact that PoE can limit placement. About mid-way through last year, the solar-powered dual-lens Argus 4 Pro solved this problem, but as a result, the resolution was cut in half to (a still respectable) 8MP, and unless placed in a position with decent sunlight, maintaining the charge could be challenging.
Fast forward to today, and Reolink has solved all these problems with the announcement of the Duo 3 Wi-Fi. Boasting the same 16MP clarity, dual 4K sensors, colour night vision and imposing design of the PoE model, the Duo 3 Wi-Fi needs only a power point and a wireless network to provide the same panoramic coverage.
Like its PoE counterpart, the Duo 3 Wi-Fi also includes Reolink’s innovative Motion Track feature, which collates snapshots of multiple moments over a period of 15-seconds to show a time lapse of a person, animal or other moving object without needing to scour through multiple video clips. Here’s a quick look at how it worked on the PoE model:
You’ll also find the same sophisticated smart object detection, which categorises recorded footage based on subject: people, vehicle, or animal. Plus, with its eight bright spotlights and inbuilt siren, its presence alone can be enough to deter intruders.
The Reolink Duo 3 Wi-Fi is compatible with both 2.4GHz and 5GHz Wi-Fi frequencies and supports Wi-Fi 6. As with all Reolink cameras, there are no monthly fees necessary—the Duo 3 Wi-Fi supports microSD card storage up to 512GB. This DC-powered camera is IP67 weatherproof and can be wall- or ceiling-mounted, so the only factor limiting placement is nearby powerpoints.
Here’s how the Duo 3 WiFi compares to its PoE counterpart and its closest battery-powered equivalent, the Argus 4 Pro.
Although we don’t yet know when the Duo 3 Wi-Fi will be available in Australia or how much it will cost, it’s out now in the US and Europe for $179.99 and €189.99, respectively.